
Mark Mahoney

Hi, I'm Mark! I'm a Web Developer with a focus on Node.js. My recent obsession is Vue.js but I also have experience with the React/Redux and MongoDB stack as well as vanilla HTML/CSS/JS.

In my previous life, I had a successful run as a sales executive at several different companies. I supported the hackathon community at Major League Hacking, helped Trustev’s machine learning anti-fraud system get acquired by TransUnion, and sold social media analytics software at Brandwatch. My goal is to utilize these sales and leadership experiences to build products that people love to use every day!



Front End Developer

A writers platform for the Dutch community. My role was to translate PSD templates and convert them into responsive webpages using HTML, LESS, and Angular.js.

Project is still under development, and will be linked here when completed.

Side Projects


The first site (to my knowledge) that allows users to create, share, and vote on polls using the Instant Runoff Voting method. A fullstack application, being built from the ground up using Vue.js and Firebase.

This project is still under development.


A pure JS/JQuery implementation of the classic electronic game "Simon."

Instant Weather

An automatic widget that detects location via IP and retrieves data from the OpenWeatherMap API.

Conway's Game of Life

A React implementation of John Conway’s famous cellular automation.
